19.09.2024 | 15-17 Uhr
general meeting
Invitation to the general meeting of KulturNetzKöln
Dear members of the KulturNetzKöln,
We cordially invite you to the next general meeting on September 19, 2024.
This meeting offers an important opportunity to discuss current developments and future projects of our network. We can look back on a successful year, but are facing major challenges in view of the drastic cuts for the 2025/26 budget. We would therefore like to discuss and plan the next steps for our association together with you.
It would be a pleasure to welcome you on September 19, 2024. Your participation and commitment are of great importance for the future of our association. Let us continue to enrich cultural life in Cologne together and provide new impetus.
Please confirm your participation by September 15, 2024 by e-mail to mail@kulturnetz-koeln.de.
1.10.2024 | 14-16 Uhr
'Demo of the independent scene!

Culture needs our voice!
On October 1, 2024, the Cologne City Council will present the budget for culture. In view of the horrendous situation of the independent scene, it is more important than ever that we all stick together and stand up for our culture!
📢 Demo on 1.10.2024
🕑 2 pm
📍 Theo-Burauen-Platz, Cologne
Join us and take a stand for culture in our city! Together we are strong! 💪 #KulturErhalten #Cologne #FreieSzene #Demo
📸 Kevin Wolf / @kwolfo