
The KulturNetzKöln

KulturNetzKöln represents the interests of Cologne's independent cultural scene. It is committed to the overarching interests of the entire independent scene and is always interdisciplinary in its self-image and actions. Among other things, KulturNetzKöln campaigns for the interests of the independent scene to be taken into account in issues such as urban development, participation and the reduction of bureaucracy.

KulturNetzKöln is one of the first associations of its kind, if not the first ever. It was founded in 2004 after Cologne's failed bid to become European Capital of Culture: it became clear at the time that the qualities, needs and interests of the independent cultural scene were neither sufficiently taken into account nor recognized as an important and invigorating factor in Cologne's cultural life. Since then, KulturNetzKöln has been committed to ensuring that the two pillars of cultural life, the municipal institutions and the independent scene, are seen as equal and of equal value; an idea that all democratic parties have now firmly anchored in their election manifestos.

Another milestone is undoubtedly the current cultural development planning initiated by KulturNetzKöln. Its call for a transparent and participatory process in every respect was and is successful and is now also supported by politicians and the administration.

In 2020, the non-profit association KulturNetzKöln e.V. was founded in order to legally legitimize the work. In addition to an executive board, the diversity of Cologne's independent cultural scene is currently represented in eight sections with spokespersons and two diversity officers.