Strengthen culture!

In recent years, NRW has earned a reputation as a pioneer and driving force in the promotion of culture in Germany; among other things, by supporting artists during the pandemic, passing the Culture Code and increasing the culture budget.
With the cuts in the cultural sector planned in the 2024 draft budget (7 million euros), the black-green state government is now breaking the promise of the increase stipulated in the coalition agreement and is jeopardizing, among other things, the sensible implementation of the now legally prescribed introduction of minimum fees, but the achievements of recent years must not be abandoned - also in view of current social developments. Together with numerous cultural players in Cologne, KulturNetzKöln is calling for the consistent strengthening and development of the diverse cultural life in NRW.
Without an increase in the cultural budget, the quality, diversity and development of art and culture in North Rhine-Westphalia are at risk. Cuts - exacerbated by inflation and cost increases - endanger the vibrant cultural landscape of our state, weaken democratic structures and productive social exchange.
#kulturstärken #kulturliebe #kulturzukunft