Regulars' table of the independent scene
- or something like that

Eine Einladung zum Stammtisch der freien Szene, die einen kurzen Einladungstext enthält und alle wichtigen Daten. Blaue Schrift auf einem beigen Hintergrund
We don't know yet whether we'll call it a regulars' table, but we want a regular exchange within the scene and are looking forward to it 😊
When: On 29.01.2025 from 17.30-19.30 hrs. Stay as long as you like. You pay for the drinks yourself!
Where: Wagenhalle in the COMEDIA Theater, Vondelstraße 4-8, 50677 Cologne
Problems are easier to solve over a drink, and information flows even better in a cozy atmosphere. Let's get together, discuss and network! You are cordially invited - without obligation! Whether this time or next time: we look forward to seeing you!